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Friday 2 December 2011

Going to be Evil

hey, I'm getting very, very annoying with myself. Wanna know why? I'm a b----! I'm being too much selfish. I can't handle it! I had to be like this and you know what? Even I getting annoying but I like it being like this. Why? Because I'm safe from the pain I don't want to feel again. Haa.. I'm a freak..
And that's the problem. I'm a freak and no one seems to understand me very well, expecally BOYS! Why todays boys are so numb?! When I say 'No', it means No. When I say 'I don't love you anymore', translation: 'I hate you'. So why they didn't suck it up and forget it? I know they were hoping 'Yes' but what the meaning of 'I can't'? It mean, I can't! It's all so simple and they still numb. I hate it!
I need to cool down. I been typing this laptop with a very forceful finger. I think it might broke down if I keep typing forcefully. Well, I gotto go somewhere. Bye..

P.S' I want so badly to share this on Facebook, but seems like my old humandity is still there and don't want the boys to aim me as an enemy. Well, I don't mind becoming enemy to them.

Lady shadoWish/ Shadow Serpent

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